
Sapporo Snow Festival in 2013

The Hoheikan, a historical building in Sapporo.
It was originally built in 1880 as a first-class Western style hotel.
By the way, a baby is being lifted next to me!?

The Marble Temple, a royal Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thailand.

cute characters???

Chibi Maruko Chan, Japanese popular cartoon character.

There are more snow and ice sculptures,
Come and visit to Sapporo in winter!


Lorenza said...

I love all those snow and ice sculptures that you showed to us!
They are so beautiful!
Thanks for sharing them!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

The snow and ice sculptures are just beautiful, Matilda! What a fun outing for you!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Leigh said...

What wonderful ice sculptures, Matilda and you are so cute in those photos too! Woofs and licks from Magic xx

Charlotte said...

Matilda, those are amazing sculptures....and you look pretty amazing yourself!!

(((hugs)) your friends
Oskar & Schatzi