

It is my favorite park for walking, MAEDA FOREST park.
I often meet ducks here.

They are resting on the lawn, so I will not bother them...

Hello ducklings!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Beautiful Matilda, do you chase those duckies?
Benny & Lily

Duke said...

You are so thoughtful not to chase the duckies, Matilda!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Leigh said...

Those are cute little ducks - and what a lovely park for walks. Have a good day! Love from Magic x

Tooki said...

That looks like a nice park and you are really nice and courteous to leave those ducks alone! Wawa would've chased them into the pond. He even chases flying birds...and flies and lizards, anything that moves...:<

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Matilda!! Cute little duckies. It was nice of you not to chse them.

WE used one of your flower pictures last night. You and flowers, are two favorites.

{{{huggies}}}....Mona & Weenie

kalyxcorn said...

o such lovely ducks, and so nice of you to leave them alone because i am not so sure i would have!! :) b