
In my Yard

It has been warm and pleasant recently. I go down the yard to pee and poo, then I come inside soon during the winter, but now I like staying and sniffing spring smell. Does it mix my pee smell?? Oh, never mind. These tulips are blooming soon!


Alli and Frankie said...

I'm so glad you are having good weather! In Seattle it is rain, rain, rain. We have cherry blossoms but no tulips yet.

kishiko said...

Hi alli! You have cherry blossomes! Here in Sapporo, they are almost blooming. it is earlier then usual.Hows your baby?

Andra said...

oh matilda we love our yard too. It is so fun to run all over!!!
Luke and Liesel

kishiko said...

Hey Luke and Liesel! Oh I d like to come to your yard and run with you guys!