
Looker inside the Fridge

What do you have in the fridge? something yummy? wag wag!


Mandy said...

There is always good food in the fridge, unless it's our fridge and then it is empty. Have a good week. We miss you and love you a lot! I am looking forward to your present. Maybe we will send a present to you!

kishiko said...

I just remembered. When I was living with you, MEIJI SUPER CUP was always in the fridge! Now you dont have anything? Ohh Mandy... Hug you a lot!!!

CLU said...

Matilda, it is so unfortunate that your people have a refrigerator that is so high off the ground! My people used to have one that I could look in and sniff in. I miss it!
Sonny, a long-haired dachshund in America

kishiko said...

Hello Sonny! Nice to meet you!
Fortunately my uncle has one that I can look in and sniff in. I like it!